

An image displaying the opening screen of the game INFINITY, a text based adventure game I created in Python

INFINITY is a text based adventure game written in Python. It was the first game I've ever developed in Python and used console commands as user input. I learned how to manage and organize my code, how to consider all the issues that may come with optional user input, and how to develop a project using a top-down methodology. It was the first time I had planned out a coding project in its entirety before starting development.

New York and Sustainability:

An image displaying the opening screen of the game INFINITY, a text based adventure game I created in Python

Presentation on the topic of Sustainability practices in the state of New York produced for Surrey Engineering Corp. Written, edited, and recited by me, including all research, sources, and even including an interview with the manager of community relations of Boralex.

Cosmos Clicker

An image displaying the opening screen of the game INFINITY, a text based adventure game I created in Python

Created a clicker game using Javascript and basic html formatting. Learned about the concept of a gameloop and using Javascript math to calculate item costs dynamically.


An image displaying the opening screen of the game INFINITY, a text based adventure game I created in Python

Together with my peers, we developed a conceptiual company website for out hypothetical company, Patent-Works. We learned the basics of Bootstrap CSS and using Javascript scripts to achive functions such as page animation. We presented this website, along with the pitch for our company during our public 2024 STEAM Showcase, showcasing the website to many of the employees of the Brooklyn Navy Yard.